Wisdom from the Moon
The Triple Goddess
The Maiden moon
The sun had only just begun to rise in the east as I looked to the sky and saw her. Curved and slender, the Waxing Crescent Moon.
My heart though, longed for the full Moon. How I love her energy.
I sat longer than I would on a cold winter morning, becoming aware of my breath that I could see from the cold air.
Again I looked up at the splinter in the sky, wondering why is it that she hides? To my surprise she spoke to me.
“Seeker,” she said, “look beyond what the eyes can see, you cannot always see your breath, but know it is there.”
She reminded me that I am limited to my thoughts that are only from my perspective, that I only am seeing one side of something much more.
She challenged what I’ve learned throughout my journey. Had I’d lost all trust and faith.
She spoke again, and I listened, “Although you cannot see in the mirror any longer the young maiden or the pregnant mother, she is still within you.”
I humbly closed my eyes, open to experience her unknown energy and suddenly, Divine Wisdom revealed herself. I felt the love of the Divine Feminine that I had been longing for and saw that she is one and she is whole.
The Mother Moon
Lullabies sang and prayers have been said, lights out after a long day. Dishes are done, shoes off, deep breath. As I closed the curtains I noticed the fullness of the Moon, lighting up the nights sky, her rainbow aura was magical. I felt drawn outside in the warm summer night to gaze upon her magnificence.
She’s always kept me company, we’ve become good friends. I’ve shared my dreams with her and have whispered to her my deepest thoughts. I’ve cried out to her and she’s comforted me in the darkest of nights and at the end of the longest day, she’s there for me, she’s a great listener. But tonight I soak up her powerful Full Moon energy as I listen to the most beautiful sound of stillness.
She gently reminds me not to be so attached to the present moment, to embrace impermanence. Tomorrow is another day, a chance for new beginnings, a time to let go, and begin again. “Goodnight my wise friend,” I will sleep well now knowing, this too shall pass, after all it’s only a phase.
The Crone Moon
Whether day or night, I spend a lot of time looking up at the sky. I have learned so much wisdom from above.
One afternoon in a cloudless blue sky I saw the Waning Crescent Moon. Without turning my face, I then caught the rays of the Sun.
The Moon in my right eye the Sun in my left, together in my vision creating one picture, a masterpiece. Old as time these two soulmates, the Feminine and the Masculine energies align. Both Light and Dark, sharing the sky, one non-existant without the other.
Divine Wisdom from the Goddess Crone Moon came over me. The rays of her counterpart in the sky shined upon her as if she were being crowned.
The light revealed her hidden Wisdom. Without the union of both Father God and Mother God, creation would not exist. At that very moment, I looked above to see a single dove circling above me. Validating the Divine Feminine’s return and the unification of Mother and Father God.
Written by Shanna