Cutting cords

Ethereal cords are simply energy between to people. They cannot been seen, yet felt beyond distance and time. The first cord we develop is the one with our mother, then each time we meet someone our souls connect, even if for only a for moment, temporary cords form with even some strangers we meet. With family members, loved ones and friends, strong cords develop.


Ethereal or energy cords can develop throughout life attaching to people, places and situations that are both good and bad. When you randomly think of a person you’ve not seen or thought of in a long time, out of no where they just pop in your mind, an old flame, a good friend that you lost touch with or someone who caused you pain in some way, these are all examples of energetic cords. If you have any negative thought patterns connect to them to see if there are cords that could be cut releasing them.

We often continue to keep recreating these situations, until we make different choices. These cords can unknowingly drain you.

Doing a little soul searching and healing can reveal emotional connections or specifically identifying negative energy cords and when “cut” or released one may experience a freedom from energy that has been imbedded deeply within your energy field taking up space and blocking you from a deeper healing.

Some cords are stronger than others and have the ability to grow back, so it’s important for one to let go and continue with self healing practices. Meditation, Yoga, Reiki healing and other energy modalities and protection techniques to assist for better success in permanent detachment from these stronger cords.

In my practice of cord cutting, I am only looking for negative cords, ones that could be weighing you down or holding you back from completely letting go, moving on and no longer serve your soul.

You can also imagine cutting cords, visualize a tool and cut away, say this intentional prayer along with your cut.

“ I release you with a full heart, with love for the place you once held in my life. May you be happy in the life you have chosen. I now take back all the energy that has been taken from me or that I have given away and I return the energy that I still hold from you. May I be free from the ties that bind us. May all cords be cut, transmuted and dissolved. May all energy return to its original sender with power, peace and forgiveness. I ask that this is complete and sealed now. So it be, So it be, So it be.”

You can also schedule a session with me. Click on the button below to make your appointment.