The energetic Body

With a little research one can find that there is much scientific evidence supporting spirituality and energy healing practices.
Today's modern scientists are slowly discovering a cosmic connection between all things in the universe.

Quantum physics has proven that everything is energy. An empirical law of physics states that energy is neither created or destroyed it can only be transformed. We are made of energy, atoms that vibrate continuously, held together by electromagnetic force energy, and are connected to all around us.

Scientists have long investigated the existence of the aura, the bio magnetic human energy field that surrounding 4 feet to 5 feet of an area around human body. Our ancestors and those before us depicted in early artwork all over the world the aura. The aura was captured by Kirlian photography discovered in 1939 by Semyon Kirlian.

A gifted scientist named Fritz Albert Popp, PhD discovered and found a way to measure energetic activity which occurs between each and every cell in the human body. It is not only a network of energy, but a network of "Pure Communication". ... Hardware, we call this "the body" and software, which we call "your energy".


This subtle body consists of multiple bands of energy called auric layers, that correspond to the Chakra's, creating symbiosis between what happens inside and outside of a person and thus connecting us to the outside world.
Scientific research confirms the aura contains information about events taking place inside the body. Including disease, stress, positive and negative emotions. The shape of the aura can shrink or grow based on our mental and physical state. Practicing medication, doing Yoga, receiving Reiki, can expand the size of your aura, and raise your vibration.

Universal Energy

Your amazing energetic body sends out electrical signals of varying frequency and strength. Because the body is a biological system, the electrical signals will vary with the activity and health of the body/mind. What vibration are you sending out to the universe? You are responsible for your energy that you put out in the world. The law attraction says that you will attract what you put out there. Look around you? Ask yourself, are you surrounded with negativity? You may look inside and exam your own personal energy. Focus on you and your own energy and the world around you will shift and aligned to your match vibration.

Synchronicity has always amazed me, and it seems the more you become aware of it the more it happens. The higher your vibration, the more synchronicity you experience, it feels validating, almost like the universe is letting you know that you're on the right path. Albert Einstein Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung all believed there are parallels between synchronicity and aspects of the relativity theory and quantum mechanics.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla


Raise your vibration and protect your aura using your senses
The following are examples of how to raise your vibration with your senses, not only do these raise your vibe but many of these suggestions are protecting the aura as well.

“We are made of energy. Everything in the world is made of energy, which can be defined most simply as “information that vibrates.” This energy - this manna of life - may express itself as patterns, sound, skin, thoughts or even morning coffee, but it is all energy…”

Cyndi Dale -The Subtle Body: your Energetic Anatomy

Using your senses to raise your vibration truly connects you to your soul, your energy and to the universe. I believe we are not limited to 5 senses, specifically I feel that the sometimes called "6th sense", intuition is the sense of soul should be included, some believe, balance, temperature and pain as well should be included.

Sight -Light, color therapy, art, visual guided meditation, star and moon gazing

Taste - Eating clean and toxins free, conscious eating, fruits, vegetables and drinking tea and ingesting healing herbs and roots, and simply drinking water can also raise your vibration

Touch - Holding or placing crystals and gemstones on your body, Reiki, massage, yoga, walking barefoot, soaking in a sea salt, essential oil and or crystal bath, rainstorms, eft tapping

Sound - Music, singing bowls, tuning forks, drumming, Native American flutes, chanting the sounds of the chakras example "om" is the vibration sound of the Crown chakra, binaural beats, sound frequency meditation

Smell- Sage and other smudging herbs, essential oils, frankincense raises your vibration and lavender can be relaxing, thus lowering your vibe, each scent has its own vibrational frequency

Human beings are so concerned with their looks, the basics of self care, we cleanse, clothe, exercise and rest. But we are not just a physical body. I often stress to my clients the overlooked need to have daily spiritual hygiene! Shower meditation, imagine negative energy washing off of you, after you put your clothes on, put a bubble of protection around you, or sage yourself, a quick sweep around your body, with intentions to clear and protect. Wear crystals or gemstones like tourmaline, that will protect and ground you. Labradorite is a great stone for Empaths, protecting you from negativity energy. Even wearing a necklace with a mirror on it, when bad vibes come at you they will reflect back to the sender.

Do what works for you, with awareness and intention you can protect and control what enters your energy field. If you work closely with others, healers, nurses, or if you are an Empath, this should be a be a part of your daily routine.
An Empaths vibration changes to match another’s, sometime unknowingly. If a person is mad or sad will lower their vibration to sync with theirs, and the opposite affect occurs if around someone positive and happy, their energy will rise.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. ~Albert Einstein