Reiki classes

Learn Usui Reiki the original form of Reiki Energy Healing. Classes are held in person to locals in SE Aurora Colorado or online via Zoom. There will be an annual Reiki III Master Level, 2 day Retreat in the Colorado Rockies, dates tba. If you are interested you’ll find more info here.


Classes are small and intimate, typically no more than four students. (Except for the retreat) Each class will average 6 hours long.
 No experience required for Reiki 1, anyone can and should learn.

I recommend receiving and experiencing Reiki prior to taking a class, however it is not required.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me (Shanna).

Reiki I & Reiki II


(Discount if paid for 1 & 2)

Recommended to take together, Levels 1-2, one or two weeks apart.

Descriptions of classes are listed below individually.

Reiki I


Open to anyone who wants to explore Reiki on an personal healing level through self-treatments, sharing with family, friends and animals. Learning the history, the chakra system, working with a pendulum and traditions of Reiki. You will receive your 1st Reiki Attunement and Usui Reiki Level 1 Completion Certificate.


Reiki II


Embrace the healer within...
Level II guides you through giving Reiki treatment/healing to others. Receive Level II attunement of the traditional Usui Reiki symbols and learn the steps to perform a full Reiki session with a client and self protection tools.
 Receive Usui Reiki Level II Practitioner Certificate.

(Must have completed Reiki I)

Reiki III/Master

STARTIng at $300

(Must complete Reiki I & 2)

Local, Online Class or Retreat

Master your gift...
 Attuned with the Reiki Master symbol, energy removal techniques - psychic surgery and cord cutting. Creating a crystal grid and sending Distant Reiki by proxy.

Reiki Master Retreat



Learn to Master the art of Reiki Level III in the beautiful Rocky Mountains- 2 night stay, location tba! (Price does not include travel, however we will try to carpool)

Email to inquire about this retreat.

Reiki Master Teacher



Requires completion of all levels above and co-teaching Reiki levels I, II and Master class as well as a one on one session with myself and receiving your final attunement for Reiki Master Teacher.

(Only available upon request)

If you would like to take a class or have questions about a specific class, please fill out below your information and I will contact you ASAP.

Licensed MT and Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner

Currently classes are held online Zoom or in person, in Aurora CO, location is TBA.

* $50.00 deposit is required to reserve your spot for Levels 1 and 2.

$100.00 deposit for Reiki Level 3.

The remainder balance is due in full by the day of your class. You can use Venmo Pay app or to make a payment to my Venmo, username @Shanna-Vavra or PayPal. If you do not want to use Venmo or PayPal no problem, give email me to arrange payment.

Once you have made your deposit you will receive an email and text with details and preparation suggestions on your upcoming class.

*I offer a flexible sliding scale pay for those who may not be able to afford the full fee. Shoot me an email and I will let you know the range for which you can pay within reason that best suits your current situation.

Your Reiki journey starts here!

Want a Distant Reiki Healing Session click here.
