day 6 Already!
Explore the Third eye Chakra, begin here with this video below.
The third eye chakra
The powerful Third Eye Chakra, Anja! The illuminating indigo minds eye. Located on the forehead between the eyebrows, associated to the pineal and pituitary glands and develops between ages 36- 42. This sixth chakra governs your “sixth sense” and home to your intuition.
”Without a solid mastery of this chakra, no spiritual connections are possible and we’re relegated to experiencing only a mundane third-dimensional life".
When opened will deepen your spiritual connection. Strengthen your intuition, higher level of consciousness, heighten your inspiration and creativity, quiets the ego and awakens your higher-self (soul). Self realization, discovery of spiritual gifts, center of clairvoyance and clairaudience, receiving universal wisdom and knowledge, having a vision of your true path and purpose can be found here as well as moments of enlightenment.
When this brow chakra is closed one may feel mental “fog”, forgetfulness, ADHD and ADD, daydream, moodiness, feeling as if life is meaningless, anxiety, mental illness, sinus issues and ear aches. Over thinking will definitely spin this chakra out of control, leading to headaches and migraines.
Raising your vibration assisting in opening of this mystical inner seeing chakra
Practice mindfulness
Moon, star and night sky gazing
Yoga, child pose
Mantra chant “SHAM”
Using sandalwood essential oil
There are some fun intuitive games to play on apps where you can check and train your intuition. Here is a link to one called Extra Sense – Intuition Games.
Suggested book “Gifts” by Echo Bodine, and check out our interview with Echo on Sense of Soul Podcast!
Crystals to activate your third eye are Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Azurite, Sodalite as well as Amethyst.
Third Eye Meditation
It is safe for me to see
I see clearly
I trust my inner voice
I see the truth in all situations