Freedom is when we accept who we are and let go who the world wanted us to be!
Once you awaken to Self Love, there is no going back! There’s a major shift in your universe!
You’ll naturally feel the need to protect yourself from low vibrational energies. You will be more aware of the energy you give out and take in.
You will become protective of your time and space that you now desire to seek within.
You become aware of what your mind, body and soul experience. (example: pain or disconnect) You will have awareness when you neglect yourself and lack self care. You will choose to honor and care for your needs.
You will see that you are limitless and resist limited beliefs. The universe (Aka your “Sugar Daddy”) will send you those winks, signs, synchronicities and validations that you’re on the right path. Your journey will be supported! You found your superpower, LOVE! You’ve awakened to discover that you are far more magical than you ever could’ve imagined!
You will become aware of the energy vampires and will place boundaries with others. You will start to choose YOU, and learn to say no. You will no longer say yes to shit you dislike. You will say no to doing things you don’t want to do or don’t truly align with.
own your shit
As you begin to accept that you are exactly where you are suppose to be, you will also accept that your soul made choices. it chose this life, your body, your challenges, the lessons and the wisdom that you have gained for a greater purpose. MOST importantly you will accept that your soul loves you & chose you. You will understand that you have a divine purpose and that you were uniquely designed. You are perfectly imperfect! You will begin to care for yourself as you would someone you love, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Stop trying to please the world. Stop trying to be this cookie cutter false imagine of perfection. Stop striving to live up to the worlds expectations! Stop searching for love and happiness outside of you!
Trust Yourself
No need for judgement! Learn to trust yourself. Trust your intuition, your imagination, your emotions and your thoughts. Use discernment, rather than seeking answers on google.
Surrender and accept! Follow your own dreams and heart. Embrace your talents and passions and BE FREE TO LOVE YOURSELF! Be your beautiful, unique, purposeful and authentic self! Accept and trust what is and manifest the support you need throughout your journey. “Sugar Daddy” has your back!
let that shit go
I would suggest writing down the resentments you have, emotional or even physical pain you may carry.
You can burn these writings in a fire and let that shit go. Or write them on rocks and throw them in a lake. Then pray for God to rid you of this pain.
You may need to process this with a therapists, spiritual leader or life coach.
Our past does not define us!
When we find self acceptance for our past we are then ready to be in the present.
Make sure to include all the mountains you’ve climb, all the times you were knocked down and you got back up again. All the times you remembered to dot the I’s but forgot to cross the T’s. It’s all relevant.
You may find it beneficial to write a letter to your younger self, present self, even future self or perhaps all three in time.
It amazes me. I often hear people say their partners get upset when they start to experience “Self Love”.
First, if someone is upset because you would like to have self care, time alone, because you say no, etc. This is most likely because they themselves lack self love. This is their own insecurities. Believe me, they will get over it in time and if they don’t well then perhaps you should take inventory on that relationship.
Secondly, self love is NOT selfish. In fact, it’s our belief it is selfish to not practice self love and to support and encourage others to do the same.
Ideas you can do for the self
Take time to go on walks alone
Take a bath
Get a massage
Put time aside to mediate
When your body is screaming to relax do it!
Sleep with no regrets
Get reiki
Make a dream board
Read or listen to a positive book or your favorite podcast (hint SOS)
Play with an animals
Drink water
Eat four food groups
Listen to your body
Ask for help
Buy yourself flowers
Soak in the sun
Spend time with the moon
Crystal and Gems for Self Love
Meditate holding a heart chakra stone or wear one that falls to the heart area. This can align your energy with the vibration of love. Get creative. Create an intentional and beautiful self love crystal grid!
We suggest listening to our Sense of Soul Podcast Self Love episode. Listen on Apple podcast here. Or Search Sense of Soul Podcast Soul vs Ego on your fav listening platform.
If we can do it, anyone can! Believe in yourself, be your most authentic self!