week one

unconditional love

Do you really love unconditionally? Do you love without all the conditions? “I love you if you do this” or “I love you if you don’t do this.”

Do you love yourself when you’ve gained a few pounds? Do you love yourself when you failed a test? Do you love yourself when you make a mistake?

Do you still love your partner, friend or child if they gained a few pounds, failed a test or made a mistake?

We have been conditioned to think self love is selfish. It is not. We have been conditioned to believe happiness and love is found outside of us. This isn’t so. When we experience the warmth of love, we cannot feel it outside of us. That experience is only felt within.

Imagine a world… where as a child, Self Love was a primary parental teaching, a necessity, as important as nutrition, education and daily chores.


How do you think the world would be different if we all were taught the importance of self love from an early age?

To answer this question, let’s break down what “Self” is and what “Love” is?


Take a moment first, to journal about how you define your “Self”?

Self : a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection.

Self can also be defined as your identity or your ego. You can be confident and look amazing on the outside yet have zero self love on the inside.

Neither of the above definitions define the divine essence of the true “self” that we are defining in this workshop.

The “self” we are connecting to is far deeper than your ego or your Identity of self in the physical body.

It is the the energy that makes you truly unique aside from your physical attributes or personality.

It is the infinite inner truth created the divine source. The eternal light within your beautiful “Soul.” (Aka your true “Self”!)

We are multidimensional beings!

If God is Love, then God is within each one of us. So to love ourself is to love God. 

Imagine the ocean as God. Take a droplet of water from the ocean and place it in a test tube. Imagine that is you. That test tube contains the same algae, salts, other inorganic and organic materials, particles and substances as the big ocean. 

You are that water in the test tube. You were made from God and have all the same love in your soul as the source. 

Would God think it’s selfish to get to know that part of you?

I think not.

Get to know you and the love of the source within.

That is self love!


Have a non-judgment day. For one day from morning till night, try not to judge yourself, or others. Keep track. This is a powerful practice.