The most authentic ancestral stones are the gems that unique to the land your ancestors are from, do some research, connecting to land and what treasures your ancestors may have used as jewelry, tools etc.
The following gemstones, minerals and crystals are some general but truly amazing stones that can help you connect with your ancestors, rid of negativity in the past, healing old karma, vows of poverty, past life contracts and assist in healing your ancestral lineage.
Many root chakra and earth star chakra stones are great stones to help connect with the past and your ancestors they are also wonderful for keeping you grounded and offer powerful protection.
Gem stones or crystals from the land of your ancestors (each state has a “state stone”), connecting you with a place and time.
Cradle of human kind (CHALCEDONY) - the stone of human origin and heritage. Ancient wisdom and inner knowing.
Blood Stone
Petrified wood - a stone of wisdom, transformed through time. Old and wise.
Rose Quartz
Spirited Amethyst
Crystal Skull Chrysanthemum Stone
Crystal Quartz
Labradorite - Canada's First Nation Métis Indians believed the stone was created from frozen fire, a result of the northern lights.
Oklahoma Rose Stone
You can make a crystal grid or meditate with your stones, connecting to your ancestors. Use sage and other herbs, specifically sweetgrass to connect, cleanse and heal the pain that lies deep within, passed down in your cellular DNA.
Below are some of our favorites. Check out our Ancestral Stones available online at the link at the bottom of this page!
Shaman Stone/Moqui ball
These mysterious healing stones also know as Shamanic Star Stones, Mochi Marbles, Thunderballs, Navajo Cherries or Indian Marbles. Geologists call them iron concretions. They formed 25 million of years ago, discovered in north rim of the Grand Canyon in Utah.
Named after the Moqui Indians that lived in the Moqui Desert. Researchers claim tiny microbes spurred the chemical process, and that similar to the “blueberry stone” concretions on Mars may one day reveal signs of ancient life. With a powerful microscope, the researchers also discovered tiny structures suggestive of microbial life inside the concretions, similar to tubes seen in Martian meteorites. Moqui balls have a sandstone compressed center with a super hard outer shell of iron ore hematite.
Moqui balls, are believed to have one of the highest energy vibrations. A round Moqui ball on a flat surface it will dance around until it finally finds it’s setting spot. Below is a video of my dancing Moqui ball. These odd balls are said to be found in pairs of male and female energy. Many people determine if the Moqui Ball is male or female by the outward appearance. If the skin is smooth and round it is female and rough and disk shaped is male.
These stones have been used in native cultures for thousands of years. For their Shamanic healing, visioning journeys, meditation, and spiritual rituals to connect with ancestors. In addition they were used for physical pain, balance, increasing vibration and other healing purposes. The Shaman would place these stones on the disease, wound or pained body part to remove blockages.
Simply holding the stones for balancing, aligning the chakras and relaxation, holding the female stone in the left hand and the male stone in the right.
Boji Stone/Kansas Pop Rock
Similar to the Moqui ball stone is the "Boji Stone” which name is a trademarked name for Kansas Pop Rocks, another Master Healing Stone which comes from the wondrous natural formed pyramid formation in Kansas discovered in the late 1970's. Rising above the plains in Gove County in western Kansas is Monument Rocks, a series of large chalk formations formed some 80 million years ago. Also referred to as the Chalk Pyramids.
The predominant mineral formation is Pyrite, although they are a collection of many different minerals. They started out as fossils from the Cretaceous period, around 80 million years ago. Over time bony material was replaced by pyrite. On some stones you may see original fossils embedded in the rock. Their "pop rock" name is based on a story of someone casting a stone in fire and it exploded in a pyrotechnic display.
It's also said that if you rub them together in a dark room sparks will occur. Don’t try this at home.
Often called the "living stone" , if the energy is depleted or destroyed, the stone changes molecule structure from 7.4 hardness to dust. Geologists find that this is a most unusual aspect of the this stone, like the human body, when its life force energy leaves, the stone decays, it's chemicals and mineral. elements turn to dust.
Like the Moqui ball the Boji has a mate, the smooth stone is referred to as the female, and the rough one is male. It's best to purchase they in mates, this will increase they energy. Their healing properties are to balance ying and yang energy, aligning all 7 chakras and to cleanse and protect the aura.
Below is photo of my Kansas Pop Rock stone that I inherited in my Dads rock collection and my Shaman stone. Even though they are from different places and they are made of different minerals, there seems to be a connection and they're attracted to each other, I'm thinking they might have a thing....
Moldavite is a natural glass tektite, formed from an interplanetary collision (meteorite), which impacted a small area in Czechoslovakia more than 14 million years ago.
Found in different shades of green glass, in variety of shapes, sizes and textures. Known as the celestial "stone of transformation".
Some upon holding and working with moldavite have experienced "moldavite flush", explained as an intense throbbing or flooding of energy. Moldavite is believed to stimulate all the chakras.
Some say it has too high of a vibration, it is a stone you kind of have to just test and see how you vibe with it. I use to have a hard time sleeping with it, but now I can sleep with out it!
It's believed to have enhanced psychic and healing abilities, help access the Akashic Records, accelerate enlightenment and astral projection shamanic journeying.
Moldavite can also assist you on your ancestral journey, as it raises your consciousness and truly awakens the wisdom of the heart. Many come into this life with a purpose of healing for those before us, this was the case for myself. The same month I got my first piece of Moldavite was also the month I unknowingly began my ancestral journey. It wasn't until many many months later did I uncover that Moldavite was a great ancestral stone to work with.
Thank you Universe!! This ancient stone from the stars could have also been mistaken for an emerald there are many account to which "an emerald feel from the sky".
Many myths and stories about this unusual, majestic green stone. If your curious as I was to experience its mystical power, it is wise to make sure you purchase from a reputable dealer, many fake stones are out there.
Don't be fooled, Moldavite is not cheap!
Moldavite mine in Czech Republic.
Shiva lingham
The Shiva Lingham also sometimes called a shaman stone is in the shape of the cosmic egg, out of which all creation has emerged. This unique stone comes from only one place, the Narmada River in India, one of the most holy and oldest sites. In Hindu tradition, the Goddess Parvati, shaped a Shiva Lingam out of sand and worshiped Lord Shiva. Legends suggest that there is a field of invisible knowledge, similar in some ways to the idea of the collective unconscious- in which the stored psychic energy of human ritual and belief may reside.
This egg shaped stone which brings great vitality is great for all the chakras but especially the lower three, can help with problems of a sexual nature, fertility and said to be beneficial to relieve menopausal symptoms and menstrual cramps. Can even activate the process of awakening the kundalini. Also assisting in karmic healing and ancestral clearing.
Apache Tear
Apache Tears are actually the stone Obsidian composed with rhyolite, a silica rich glassy volcanic rock, though in reflected light they appear black and opaque, that can be translucent in transmitted light.
They are found around Arizona and Nevada. Where legend says that in the 1870’s the Apache indians wives and children cried when they heard of the loss of their warriors and that their tears turned into stone upon hitting the ground. Johnny Cash sings of this stone of grief and loss.
This stone also helps connect to the Earth Star Chakra below the Root Chakra, the Root, Sacral and the Heart chakra. This is a grounding and very protective stone, helping to repel any negative energies.
Can assist in past life healing and release ancestral and family lineages patterns of abuse, negativity, hatred or fear, bringing inner peace and healing for past, present and future generations.
Apache Tears Mine, Perlite Road located near Superior, Arizona