Hey Moon Child

it’s only a phase

The New Moon

The powerful energy of the New Moon symbolizes new beginnings. A time to set new goals and begin again. Push the reset button and start over its a new day. With renewed energy its a great time to manifest, and to start something new. Charge your gemstones and crystals in the New Moon light, set your intentions for a fresh new start.
Some feel refresh and revitalize during the New Moon energy. I myself feel drained, and feel more energy during a Full Moon. The energy of the moon can be very powerful affecting our energy here in earth, but done worry it's only a phase.


The Full Moon

Let go with the mystical energy of the a Full Moon. It's the brightest of all nights. An emotional ending to the lunar cycle. It's a time to release! Purge, letting go all that doesn't serve your soul! Moon bathe under gleaming moon beams that shine through the darkest of nights. Connecting with its powerful universal energy at its highest, all of your senses are heightened, good or bad so check your thoughts when your attention goes, energy flows. It's a great time to reflect and setting free negativity! 

Your stone babies will love the energy of the Full Moon, cleansed and recharged! Write things down you want to release and change, set your intentions and burn on a Full Moon. Sage your home, and release negative energies. Many people are affected by the increased vibrant bright energy, in fact the word lunatic came from the full moon. Personally I’m in love with the energy of the Full moon.
