Unbreakable Connection


From the beginning of time humans have been trying to separate from others who look different then them.
 From the beginning of time humans have been trying to separate from others who don’t believe the same thing as them.
 We have always looked at the differences not the similarities.
Yes, we look different and we believe in different things but what is similar?

What's similar is that we are all made of energy.
Science has proven that everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level and this includes you!

So I had this vision...

Every single human was handcuffed together. We were all linked to someone who looked different or was of a different nationality or religion. Christians chained to Hindus. Heterosexuals connected to homosexuals. Racists chained to who they hate. You get my point.
In my vision people were trying to disconnect away from the person they didn’t agree with or like but were hurting themselves. Their wrists were getting bruised and their muscles were growing weak. When they maneuvered and manipulated the handcuffs they ended up cutting themselves.

The Law of Resistance states that resisting magnifies and gives power to whatever you are resisting.
Here you are growing weary and tired fighting and your wrists are bleeding. The person you dislike is growing stronger. They are conserving their energy.


Here is the message that came to my soul from my vision:
God knew that with our free will and ignorance that we would do this. How did he know this? The source knows all!
God made sure that our connection was unbreakable.
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed!
No matter how bad you dislike someone different then you, you can not break or destroy the energy connecting you to that person. We are all connected whether you like it or not! We are all one, whether you like it or not! You can keep resisting and keep harming yourself or you can love whoever stands next to you dispite the differences. Then we could live in harmony.

God wants us to love all. He wants us to stop pulling away from anyone who doesn’t align with our physical or ego. Again, all your doing is hurting yourself. All of our beliefs and differences are irrelevant because we all have God in us. Our souls don’t have genders or skin color. Our souls don’t have religions. Our souls don’t give two fucks about politics. Our souls don’t judge. Our souls don’t hate. Our souls don’t fear. Our souls love. The primary energy of the spirit is love!!!!!!

God, thank you for out smarting our egos. I apologize for all of us humans who have been stuck in ego. I apologize we have been spending thousands of years trying to break the very thing you connect us with.... oneness. Thank you for making it unbreakable. I hope and pray we will quit being so ignorant and embrace the oneness of this beautiful connection you gifted us.
If we continue to resist we will all end up so weak that we will be forced to fall to our knees. The very place we all should be praying together!

Last but not least keep in mind because we are all one and connected by a universal energy (God) remember if your an asshole to someone else your being an asshole to yourself and God!
Chose love!


