Past lives

My youngest child, but the oldest soul…

My youngest daughter Kenslee is your typical little girl, loved unicorns, my Little Pony and Princesses.

She is however, very sensitive, she cried when she watched Dumbo and before she was 2 years old. She's an Empath, I first noticed this at the early ago of 9 mos old. I was rocking her and was upset mourning my grandmother, and she looked up at me, the space in between her eyes wrinkled as she look up at me with sincere concern. Her eyes gazed deeply into mine, as if she was looking through my soul, and she lifted her hand to my cheek as I rocked her. She has this spiritual side of her, that sometimes is almost shocking as to how'd she come up with such knowing.

She had watched me grieve the loss of several close people in my life in her short years, so I figured that might have explained her understanding of angels, that she spoke of. She's offered wisdom to me at such an early age, making comments like "it's okay Mommy, he will always be with you", or now she is an angel and will be looking over and protecting us".


Perhaps she's heard from others making condolences, but we (her immediate family) have always said she's an old soul, always offering inspiring advice, and almost mothering us.
In public she is such an introvert but at home she is funny, wise and tiny, being the youngest of 5 and 15 years between her and her oldest brother. She has always been a compliant child, never naughty, always telling the truth, loves to please, very loving, kind, helpful, is so sweet, has a funny and dry sense of humor and is a just breathe of fresh air! She loves to be outside, LOVES animals, she now likes playing games like Minecraft, and has never really watched much tv. She enjoys singing, dancing and tumbling around like a little butterfly.

One night when she was 5 years old, she was hanging out with her oldest sister and I and completely out of the blue... says..."Did you know that once I was an old man?" My oldest daughter and I looked at each other confused. I mean if she was going to make up being someone, it would be like a princess, not an old man. So we asked her a few questions and she actually said that her name was John Williamson. Well we don't know any Williamson's and she didn't know any Johns. We asked a few questions, and she mentioned "he lived in New York", well I didn't even know she knew there was a New York?

We kind of just laughed it off, and probably would've even forgotten about it until a few months later, a night that lead us all into questioning our beliefs as to what really occurs after we die.

One night at dinner, she told her Dad and I very causally in between bites, "did you know that I lived in Hawaii before I met you?" Her dad laughed, but I about spit my food out! All of a sudden John Williamson came to my mind.

So I asked her, "tell me about that?" She said that her name was Maya, she was a baby. Her dad, played along, but taking her serious, did you live on the big island, her answer was, " how would I know, I was a baby." Then followed with "I lived in a small house with my family", I had brown eyes but most of my family had green." She went on to say, that she loved to watch them dance, and they would make her laugh.

We questioned her and many of our questions she only answered with, "I don't know, I was a baby", I asked her how old and to figure out her age I compared to her little cousins to which she said, was like her 2 year old cousin. I asked what happened to Maya. She answered, "I don't know how, but I was with them and then I came to be with you Mommy." Her Dad and I looked at each other is amazement. It dawned on me that she had been singing a song for the past year, that we always thought was hilarious, it had a specific tune and nonsense words that she sang, it was always the same sounds, same tune and she would sing and dance and dance to this and did for years. In fact she also would say random words that she used that we could never figure why or how she knows them she still years later says one of them, “booboosawbe”.

That night I decided to do some research, and I discovered that the tune and song she would sing sounded VERY similar to Hawaiian tribal music. In fact sooo similar even the words they were chanting. I also thought about John Williamson, an old man? We asked her more about him, she said he worked in a ladder, and I asked if he was in construction like her Dad, and she said no, he had a hose too" ... sounded like maybe a fireman.

I thought to myself, had my other children said stuff like this when they were little and I chalked it off of them being silly. If they had I couldn't recall, it had been so long.
She has also made strange comments like "you are the best mommy I have ever had", and once while upset with me, after making her clean him room said "I wish I hadn't chose you". She would often ask to randomly pray. She even knew her spirit animal long before I even considered to discover mine. She likes classical music, dislikes the music the other kids like, and like to meditate every night.

My oldest daughter who is 20, says she often feels like her little sister is more mature and is like a mother. She really does mother all of her older siblings, with comments like " you really need to take care of yourself..."

Now going on 8, or should I saw 30, you can tell that she's out of theta brain wave, and definitely putting in her two cents, she's still very Empath, naturally nurturing and wise. She truly is an amazing and likely old soul.

Since she has shared her past lives with me, I have had two past life regressions, and have recalled two past lives, which I believe are within my ancestral lineages. She has taught me so much in her short life so far. She has awakened my eyes to discovering a part of my soul that had been awaiting discovery. I have a strong sense that my baby girl and I have too shared many lives together, we are connected and a part of both a biological and soul family.
Below is a short clip of my own past life regression.

Clip on Shanna’s Past Life RegressionPLR Therapist Kristine Morton 

“One of the most common signs of a past life is déjà vu, the sensation that you have met a person before or have visited someplace previously."

-Brian Weiss

Have you experienced strange unexplained strong connection to people or places? For a while there my kids where so embarrassed because I was always saying to people “do I know you, you look familiar?” I've learned to contain this, as it happens so often. But it's as if I really know them, like I know their soul, they eyes, from somewhere?

Are you perhaps an old soul, part of a soul family who came together in between lives to come to a soul agreement or contract to return to life, in a new human body to support each other's path and purpose?

Ya know that saying …you can’t choose your parents... well many people who have experienced past life regressions say we do.
Perhaps even returning in different roles, in different lives. Some believe this to be a part of the souls purpose. The souls evolution, working through karma.

However it is children who most commonly recall past lives, this happens usually between the ages 2-6 years old.

There have been many accounts, documentaries, research and books on children recalling past lives, it has been reported that this usually occurs before the age 6-7. Its said that they have more memories of their past lives then they have made here on earth. They are also in theta brain wave, until this age and they have very little output and to they are learning, recording and receiving. Therefore less resistance, less ego, more soul!

Prior to my belief and research into reincarnation and past lives, I knew or spoke very little about past lives. Throughout my life I'd had psychics Reiki Masters palm readers and even strangers tell me that I had Past lives and that I was an old soul, never taking it too seriously. In fact it was my youngest daughter who lead me to research and look more into this belief.