The road can seem lonely
Written by Shanna Vavra
When you awaken to your Soul, it can be a confusing time, a lonely time. We are so use to seeking love, happiness, validation and security outside of ourselves. While all along everything we needed was inside of us.
It’s so easy to get in our own way during this time, because of Ego has been in the driver seat for so long. You pretty much need to rewire your brain, turn down the negative chat and learn to trust your soul, your path, which can be very resistant at times especially if you’ve never had self love and trust. If you’ve never had boundaries, asked for help, been vulnerable, sadly most vital skills not taught to us as children.
Choose your own path
We all are on our own journey and each has it's own unique time and speed, no two journeys are the same.
Do not be concerned with the time and place of another’s spiritual path. Try not to compare your experiences, gifts and knowledge, each of us have our own purpose. Do not get wrapped up with someone else’s journey.
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One cannot learn to run without first learning to walk, and one cannot walk without developing the muscles to do so.
Skipping vital steps will only lead to confusion and frustration, ultimately delaying spiritual awakening, which in most cases does not happen over night!
For most of us a spiritual awakening is self-realization as well as deep healing which cannot be obtained nor be achieved quickly, healing requires tenderness, love and care. This self development is a process where carefully you lift the veil, uncover and discover deep within and at the appropriate time for you!
We do not get here without stillness, quieting the brain chatter, making space for self healing, self love and the awareness of the soul and ego. No one can heal you, only you can heal yourself, no crystal, no reiki master, nor friend. They can help support, cheer and guide you but you have to be more than just a willing participant, you have to take the wheel and take to the road alone!
Become comfortable spending time alone.
So what can you do, where to start? Well the first thing to know, is that you do have what it takes, we all do! But you can’t have total soul enlightenment in days, a few weeks, months or maybe years, we are in the mist of soul evolution, and it’s my belief that this occurs over many many lifetimes.
However you can start today, by committing yourself to doing some life changing soul work. But before you do, ask yourself these questions…
Why do you want this awakening?
What is preventing you, what obstacles from having this?
What do you have to change, let go, remove, etc… for you to have this?
What will you practice to have this?
Journaling can be both releasing and beneficial during your journey, even the smallest “ah ha” moment that may not seem so significant maybe a realization to a greater awareness that ultimately leads to a deep healing, a life changer, a leveling up!
Once again this is a spiritual process and like physical growth, there are growing pains, literally we start by strengthening ourselves to be able to take those first steps! We are in a very conditioned world and have a lot to shed, give yourself some grace!
Get to know your energy
I love this quote above, it couldn’t be more true! Awaken and connect to your soul by understanding your energy, and working with the chakra system.
This a great way to begin this process in an orderly manner, this can be achieved through Meditation, Yoga, Crystals and Reiki healing therapy. Starting at the Root Chakra which develops from birth to 7 years old, doing that inner child work we so often forget that could very well affect us as adults. Grounding yourself here for a good foundation to start.
Working and healing your way up through each chakras and through a lifetime of suppressed stored memories and emotions never dealt with which lie stagnate inside you, it’s whispering presence, how very small yet affecting you in more ways than you can imagine.
As you move up the chakras to the Sacral chakra and the Solar Plexus, experiencing and facing fears and old damage and trauma you may have gone through. Learning to bring loving awareness here and letting go.
Upward to the Heart chakra, and discovering selflove and then the Throat, the seat of communication, Third eye chakra which here you will develop intuition, spiritual gifts, seeing with the minds eye, and once you do, all of your senses will increase and you will never see the world the same again, and you will be changed forever and for the better.
Lastly the Crown chakra where you will be able to connect body, mind and soul will have ability to discover your spiritual gifts, spirit guides enlightenment, your connection to the Divine source. For myself, each awakening of a chakra, was a life changing experience, each a small journey of it own.
Life has no map, it's no wonder we get lost, missed the turn to the road that leads straight to spiritual awakening and bliss. It's more likely if you're reading this that at some point you too may have taken the hard road, which comes with many bumps and road blocks, perhaps you've even found yourself going the wrong direction or not moving at all, and keep going in circles. Lost (SOS) and needing to be found! It is here in the darkest hour, you seek the light.
Be quiet, still and listen for the whisper of the soul telling you, to not give up, to wake up!
When you feel exhausted after the struggle of fighting the upstream currents of the river, turn around and let the river carry you, surrender to the Divine and live with your Soul in the forefront! Here you will manifest you dreams, and be in service, helping others to find their light within.
We have courses for learning the 7 Chakras, Empaths, Self Love and more at this link below.
As you can see there is no short cut, this is a journey, we are students for life. There is almost a guarantee that there will be many turns many road blocks, rivers and mountains to climb, and you fall many many times, make mistakes, but if you have not learned to celebrate these hardships, to love and accept yourself and quiet the ego, what you will experience is both superficial and temporary!
This work is both difficult, deep, one must be willing to surrender control, and put the ego in time out the corner.
No longer are you concerned of others drama, you will detach from all that does not serve your soul. You will have a new love for the earth and all living things and only see souls, you will not discriminate against others and only want peace. From this state you and your life will never be the same, once awakened, you will see and feel the world from your Soul.
Life is indeed has its up and downs, and your path may not always be clear, it is not always smooth, sometimes you may even have to go through fire, it's not always straight, it can be long or sometimes too short. But your journey has many paths and it is you who is in control, to navigate and choose the path and how you will get through.
At the end of each challenging stretch, you will grow spiritually, mentally and even physically stronger.
Sometimes we end up on the wrong path or we take a path that is much longer and harder. Be thankful for even the path not taken. The harder the road the more we develop ourselves into a deeper stronger spiritual self. The harder to climb the stronger you become. Finish lines are for those who triumph, with strength and endurance. They did not get there with ease. Without pain, without fighting, without want and desire, without pushing themselves and never giving up. In the end you will be proud, you will have overcome obstacles and the next path will seem smoother, shorter you will be able to achieve much more with ease, with courage and confidence.
Trust and use your inner compass. Awakening to discover your "sense of soul" within, is like arriving to the rest stop in a long hard race, its that deep long sigh at the end of the day, it's like coming home, to the self.