What's all the fuss?
There's been a rise in public interest, lots of talk, of fear and even blame of the planet Mercury Retrograde.
So what’s the deal with this popular little planet, and why do some believe it brings 3 weeks of hell on Earth, 3-4 times a year.
Perhaps new to us, however in Astrology, and even in ancient times this planet has been one of curiosity and has long confused many. This interesting little planet’s orbit was an important part in proving Albert Einstein’s theory of General Relativity.
In Astrology each planet has a representation, for example Venus represents affection. In the case of Mercury, it represents communication and motion. Mercury rules the signs Gemini and Virgo.
The Romans named the planets after their most important gods. Mercury was named after Roman deity Mercury, the traveler and messenger of the gods, also known as Hermes in Greek mythology.
It is the 2nd hottest planet and sure does cause a lot of heat for some on here on Earth.
Mercury is the smallest and fastest planet in the solar system, and the closest to the sun is Mercury. It passes between the Earth and Sun, 3 -4 times a years. Lasting about 3 weeks at a time, and some may even experience retro shade two weeks prior or even after. It is said that the planet appears as if it's moving backwards. This is "Mercury Retrograde". Retrograde is when a planet observed from Earth, seems to reverse its direction but it just an optical illusion. Mercury is the only planet that doesn’t rotate once every year. Mercury orbits the sun once every 88 Earth days, so a year on Mercury is 88 days and one day on Mercury is 59 days on Earth. It’s said that every seven years. Mercury can be seen from Earth as it passes across the Sun. Maybe the planet is trying to tell the universe "hey I may be little but I'm mighty"!?
It's said that when the Mercury is in retrograde, we here on Earth can experience a shift in our energy.
Symptoms of Mercury Retrograde
Body aches Brain fog
Communication issues Technical issues
Mood changes (emotions highs and lows)
Electronic malfunctions
Common suggestions for Mercury Retrograde
Get extra rest and practice self care
Stay low and don't make any major decisions or purchases
Back up your phone and computer
Be present and think before you speak
Get that oil change you've been putting off, better safe than sorry
Take this time to reflect, go inward and reconnect with your soul
Perhaps let's change our perception to making a period of uncertainty a using it as a time to recharge. I would suggest a daily morning meditation, some soul hygiene and pick up a stone for protection and extra energy. Personally I do seem a little off and my energy seems low during Mercury Retrograde, while it may not keep me from maybe buying a new television if needed, I'll definitely be keeping the receipts.
List of Stones for Mercury Retrograde
Smokey Quartz
Blue Lace
Agate Azurite
The beautiful majestic planet Mercury, photo taken by NASA's Messenger spacecraft.