The Soul Family

Find your tribe

The Soul Group

The soul is the eternal internal energy that lives in each of us. It’s defined as the essence of the living being. Your soul, spirit, higher consciousness, and inner self have no gender or race and were created purposely by God. When you connect with your soul, you connect directly with your creator and can discover the true meaning of your existence.

When you become awakened to this divine energy within, the universe will favor your path.

Synchronicity will work to guide you and will attract your soul family. Connect to your soul and like-minded kindred spirits, and you will find your tribe!


(n) A deep, inborn sense of yearning

for a home, a feeling, a place or

a person that is beyond this

plane of existence,

Past life therapist have uncovered that under hypnosis a common reflection of their clients is that after they've passed from one life that they are waiting for there soul family in between lives to return to life once again, perhaps even taking on different roles and even genders to assist and support in the purpose of one another's soul purpose.

Some believe that although we choose our parents, that they may not always be in our "soul family". Some even believe that we make a soul contract with our soul family each life, returning for a specific purpose.

We are not alone! Your soul fam will be the ones who challenge you, bring out your most authentic self, they will be the supporters of your dreams, your purpose.



“A soulmate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.” – Thomas Moore

One desires to find there true soulmate. However could it be, like many spiritual teachers and authors suggest, that you have more than one and that a soulmate may not always be romantic love, they can also come in the form of a best friend or child. In fact I believe you have more than one to which they make up your soul family.


Consider the remarkable, strong, spiritual connections you've have throughout your life that they all are a part of your soul group. You know, an old flame, the friend who can finish your sentence, and calls because they can sense your in trouble or in pain, you click, they resonate with you, understand you. You and your soul mates connect on a higher level of consciousness, they have a strange familiarity, it's that strange feeling of really knowing someone before you even meet them. Destiny is alive! Your soul recognizes their soul, having lived many lives together, supporting each other's life and purpose, karmically and energetically connected. You have an instant vibration shift, a feeling of déjàvu, an unexplainable connection with strange and unique experiences and synchronicity between the two of you. 
Energy has no distance and time, it could also be that your soulmates have passed or have yet to be born.

Our soulmates are within our soul family or group. I believe in each life you will find them, and they may come in different forms in each life or may even just for a season to teach you a lesson you need to learn or to help you discover your light with in, assisting you in your spiritual growth and walk with you on your journey. They will help you discover your path, and help support you on your journey. They will share similar passions that will fit together to join to serve a greater purpose.


The Twin Flame

It's said that the “twin flame” is one soul, separated at creation, the other half of your soul, your mirrored self, and one's divine counterpart.

Like soulmates, they share remarkable synchronicities and serendipity that bring them together. This is the universe's way of working to bring two souls destined together who have long loved one another far before their physical meeting.

Twin flames often dream of each other, have strong empathy for one another, and can experience telepathic communication.

Unknowingly searching for awakened eyes that see deeply into your soul, which have seen and shared lifetimes entangled in karmic connection.

The twin soul can have characteristics that are so similar yet so different. You may find that you have very little in common; it may even represent the Ying and Yang.

If you have met your twin flame, you may feel a strong desire, physical and spiritual attraction, a claircognizant magnetic force pulling you towards them. You will be extremely empathetic towards each other, able to feel each other's energy. 
It's more than finding your better half; they are a part of you, and when you join together, it's a completion and unity of the soul, who share the very exact blueprint.


Upon meeting your twin flame, the intensity can be so strong it may cause the ego to experience fear and uncertainty as to the intense mystical and heightened emotions one might sense yet not awaken to understand fully. When the vibration of your aura comes in close contact, this energetic meeting will be undeniable, as you originated together on the same frequency. If awakened twin flames meet, it's like coming home; you will have unconditional love and acceptance for each other.

Unfortunately, our circumstances here on earth do not always align with the meeting of our twin flame, especially if one is not awakened or aligned with the energy of the universe or one's soul's purpose.

It is said that often, it is your twin flame that ultimately leads you to awakening. They are more than a part of your soul family; they are a part of your soul.

Your spiritual development must be a priority. Once you find your light and love within, you're only that much closer to discovering your divine counterpart.


A Soul with no Mate

Searching for a treasure without navigation or destination.

Blind in search of what you know is true, yet undiscovered.

Searching for the eyes, which I have looked into lifetimes before.

Only catching a glimpse out the corner of your eye, a brief knowing. Yet never fully revealing itself.

A feeling of loneliness and incompleteness that one cannot escape.

Deeply in love with a memory that doesn’t exist in physical space, although true and real, somewhere lost within time.

Leaving one weak and thirsty, longing for the unknown.

Desperately seeking wholeness. Always wanting more, which you find only within dreams and in the stillness of one’s deepest thoughts.

The agony in the incomplete realization, almost wishing you hadn’t awakened to.

Looking for everything and nothing in between. Fully committed, faithful, a prisoner to unfulfilled moments.

How many lifetimes until the heart will be whole again? Knowing not what the heart desires.

Feeling isolated, lost in a sad timeless love story, safely kept.

The feeling of missing someone, unknown, invisible, an eternal, ethereal cord that can never be broken. Forever anticipating, searching in this lifetime, and a thousand more.

Sending out to the universe a boomerang made of love in hopes that it may be returned, endlessly crying out. Looking for the signs and listening for the clues that may whisper in the wind.

Desperately attempting to awaken every soul for the discovery of the one soul so deeply longed for.

My love, is it that you are still asleep? Patiently, I will wait for an eternity until your heart awakens.

Written by Shanna Vavra
