Unleash Your Soul
The awareness of ones “self”, is the quiet whisper that you hear telling you not to give up. The living energy that is and always has lived within all of us, that entered our physical body. This is your Soul!
Now that you've met... its important to know the difference between the soul and the ego. You need to observe yourself, your thoughts deeply to be able to identify the difference. Doing so without the baggage of the past, the expectations of the world and the conditioned thoughts of the Ego.
It is in stillness, the present moment, free of brain chatter, that you will be able to connect.
The left side of the brain is considered the seat of the Ego, the left brain function is logical, opinionated and with resonance, where as the the right brain connects to creativity, imagination, intuition and spirituality.
Beyond the physical body is our inner being, our spirit, our soul, the higher consciousness, it is infinite, has no shelf life as the mind and body do. This living energy that gives us life, expands beyond the physical body, And makes up your aura. This energy never dies, and I believe has lived many earthly lives.
Many of us overtime have been so conditioned to ideas and beliefs of the ego and of the views and opinions of the world! Conditioned by the world standards of which man has set and based on the beliefs of man.
Let the voice you choose to hear be that of your soul... be the awareness of your thoughts, the witness and let the words you speak and the life you live, reflect this.
Quiet the ego, so that in the stillness you will be able to hear and receive universal wisdom and knowledge from the Divine source. The soul is directly connected to the Divine source, the universe and to your souls purpose. Therefore the soul does not feel shame, guilt or fear.
The ego develops here on earth around 6-7 years old, the ego's development is created by your experiences here on earth.
Our Ego is the result and reflection of the world. It’s desire is to be accepted, to fit in to what is socially acceptable. It’s the voice of fear, worry and pessimism. It's worth is based on material gain and worldly successes. Living too much from the ego is imprisonment to the soul. The ego is never satisfied, it is conditioned, always seeking more.
Recognizing the ego takes some honest self reflection. Everyone has an ego, it's the part that makes us human. It is which separates us from others.
Name your Ego!!
Drunk Best Friend
Alter Ego
Little me
Inauthentic self
Bianca, Donald whatever you want to call it!
The EGO wants:
Strives to be perfect, always right and without error.
Is kind, giving and without need.
Desires to be attractive, successful, without failure.
Wants to be unique, intuitive and without the mundane.
Seeks knowledge, competent and without ignorance.
Needs to be certain, safe but without doubt.
Wants to be free, excited with no limitations.
Seeks power, authority, without weakness.
Always agreeable, open and without complication.
The ego has many aspects including the pain body and shadow self read more at the link below.
The soul or our spirit is an extension of the Divine creator. The word spirit means the breath of life. The spiritual energy to which lives in the shell of the physical body. It has no gender. It is the living life energy that is the eternal light within all of us and connects us to everything. Set your soul free. It is the I AM, the only thing about you that never changes.
In the Bible Moses asked the burning bush, that spoke to him, who are you, and the voice answered, I AM THAT I AM, in translation, God.
For myself, this amazes me, we all can connect to this I AM, our soul is the I AM, it’s not the body nor the mind, it is the I AM , that will always be, infinite, never aging nor changing.
The SOUL wants:
Seeks serenity, forgiveness, bringing virtue into the world.
Acceptance and love for the self, loving unconditionally and bringing kindness into the world.
Inspires, bringing hope into the world.
Creative and mindful, bringing insight and wisdom into the world.
Objective and perceptive, bringing loving detachment and impermanence into the world.
Courageous and security, bravely and confidently spreading its light to the world.
Abundance and joy, bringing vision to the world.
Humble and benevolent, bringing strength into the world.
Balanced and togetherness bringing peace into the world.
Awakened and aware, creating unity, and demolishment of what separates.
FREE YOUR SOUL!! Let your soul your higher consciousness become the awareness, of your thoughts and learn to examine where your thought are coming from. Begin to identify the differences in the Soul vs Ego, compare to this list above, are your thoughts and life being lead by the Soul or your Ego?
*A great book that explains this is The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle.
Author: Shanna